CCA's Community Solutions alternatives to incarceration program offers individualized community-based services that keep participants out of jail while working on the areas that brought them in contact with the criminal legal system. The program seeks to respond to each individual’s needs, helping each to discover and build upon their unique strengths.
Community Solutions staff keep track of participants’ progress, providing written updates prior to scheduled court appearances detailing specific milestone achievements.
Through group workshops and one-on-one sessions, participants are provided with individualized service plans that address their unique needs. Additionally, all Community Solutions participants meet with a CCA Mental Health Specialist who assesses their mental health needs and provides culturally competent support throughout their time in the program.
Community Solutions offers an array of services ranging in duration from 2 to 9 months for participants mandated to the program, including mental health counseling, substance use treatment, educational support and advocacy, mentoring, housing support, and employment/vocational services.